Hey everybody, this is what the garden looks like now!
(Please feel free to click on any picture. They expand to a much larger size.)
These bikers seem to be admiring it--as did many others who walked by and commented. Last week a woman and her daughter asked me if they could have a barbeque picnic in the yard. I hated to say no.

This is a bloom new to the garden this week. New butterfly too.

A morning glory is making progress in taking over a bench.

I watered with Sonia. She's been bringing in rocks and turned a tree trunk into a planter.

When we put the sprinkler on the trunk we both longed to have some kind of fountain or birdbath in the garden. Forget about the possibility of rats!

I know this sounds crazy, but our "fountain" reminded me of
Moby Dick. I'm reading the part (and I haven't gotten very far) where Ismael talks about how people are drawn to water. He describes sailing around Manhattan, "belted round by wharves" and seeing thousands of "landsmen" at the water's edge.
"But Look! here come more crowds, pacing straight for the water, and seeingly bound for a dive. Strange!"
Not as much water here, but I was contemplating a dive.

Sonia was excited about this rose (only $3.99 at National Wholesale Liquidators). And it's darn healthy.

Today's harvest.

Who is eating the Tomato's and Cherries ? !!!