Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The New Garden Shed has Arrived!

Lowe's delivered the new garden shed today. We'll be using it to store the garden supplies to hide the mess while at the same time making everything more accessible for our BHSEC gardeners!

It's not assembled yet but here's what it will look like:

The initial parts for the irrigation system are also now here too. After much debate the team opted to go with an above ground sprinkler system. This design is less costly and still provides BHSEC with the option of upgrading to an in-ground drip system later on.

Here are the sprinklers that we will be using:

The sprinklers will be set on an automatic timer and will have their spray patterns adjusted to minimize any unnecessary water run-off. We're testing them this Friday so stay tuned for more updates!

1 comment:

  1. Your team did well in designing that garden shed. Did you take photos after you’ve assembled it? I guess having it customized was a good idea. You could assemble it to ensure that it could meet your operational needs. What color did you paint it, btw?
    Ula Heximer
