Monday, April 12, 2010

Sprinkler Test

Last Friday six members of the BHSEC Garden Committee met to try out the new sprinkler equipment that had arrived. The main purpose was to check out the trajectory to see how many tree beds one sprinkler could adequately water and thereby know how many more sprinklers we needed to order. It was a very chilly day, but several people gamely got wet in the service of the garden.

I have posted the pictures below to remind everyone how and where the water fell to help in planning the placement of the sprinkler heads and hoses.

Tying the hose

The sprinkler head

Aiming the spray (southwest corner)

Heavy coverage from the southwest sprinkler (a good spot to place lots of potted plants)

This bed barely got any water. The puddle bypassed it.

Longshot looking toward northwest corner of yard

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