Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Watering Report

Wildlife in the Bard Garden

I think this may be the same butterfly that was flying about two weeks ago when I watered and Rebecca measured (how long do they live?).

Evidence of squirrel activity: a box of newly planted seeds disturbed. At least some of the seedlings are left. ( I hope it's squirrel mischief and not the dreaded rat)

Wet Roses

This pot looked especially beautiful this week. The peachy color of the lower flowers looked much richer in real life.

Even the dead flowers from the Bard Garden have beautiful color.

It's a jungle out there.


  1. I like the butterfly even if it did come from a caterpillar! It would be great to start capturing the different kind of insects and birds that frequent the garden to see if we start getting more as the garden grows!

  2. I agree. There was one sparrow there squawking at me for a while. I suspect it took off until it was sure I left.

    Thanks for leaving a comment. Maybe someone will comment who knows how long butterflies live.
