I didn't need to water on Monday due to that crazy storm we had on Sunday, but I went to clean up and dead head the flowers. The plants looked lush--all with moist soil, but the tree with the wind chime in it had blown over again and, weirdly, the red cedar (I think this is what it is) out in the middle of the yard by the benches was really dry and its needles were falling out.
Trees have been on the gardening committee members' minds because of the plan for the New York Restoration Project to plant 30 trees in the Bard yard. Yay! (The work will begin for those trees in mid-August I hear.) So this week I decided to take pictures of the trees that we already have in the garden—some of them purchased and others salvaged—to show how much they’ve grown since April. All, but the cedar I mentioned before, seem to be thriving and content in their current planters and placement in the garden.

This spruce tree seems to be thriving and the cherry next to it is getting tall and lanky. It’s so tall that I couldn’t get it all in one shot.

But what does it mean when a tree starts growing little baby trees from the bottom of it’s trunk at the roots?

This is the tree with the wind chime (that gets blown over). I think this tree was being thrown out somewhere in Brooklyn and Sonia nabbed it. You can see that it’s going to bloom soon.

I call this a juniper bush, but maybe it’s a red cedar. It's loaded with hundreds of large juicy juniper berries. I wish I could make a juniper berry pie.

Is this called a curly willow? Anyone know?

Here's another one.

Japanese maple #1

Japanese maple #2

This is the red cedar (I think that's what it is--also has scattered juniper berries) that's all dried out. Sonia and I agree that the soil isn't absorbing water. Sonia thinks it might be because it's rootbound.

Here's a closeup of the holly tree which is over 5 feet tall.

With all the rain we've had this week and is forecast to come I guess the garden will be lush again the next time I visit.
That's all for now.
I love the sunflower shot !!!